Guest book

Leave your feedback here after your visit, so others can read about your experience at BondageTimeout!!!


  1. My first BTO was on 29th January, and I enjoyed every second of my 4 hours stay there. Zara was a very good and strict officer, so I was never unchained during my stay. I´ve send some time in the prison cell, where she chained me in different positions and gagged me as well. The next stop was a long time in Segufix with a straitjacket and again the gag. Finally, I ended up in a ridged device and later in a hogtied in the prison cell.
    The time flew very fast and I´m really looking forward to my next BTO. Many thanks to Zara for having me as a prisoner.

  2. I visited BTO this week for my third time in 7 years. This was my first experience with Zara as the guard.

    I had read prior reviews where prisoners had reported how they had been unable to escape Zara’s chains. I wondered how hard these prisoners had tried. I now know that it does not matter. You cannot escape Zara. She has so many cuffs and other tricks it is impossible.

    Zara had me in the cage with blue box cuffs, mittens, leg cuffs attached to my waist and a blindfold. I could have been there for weeks without getting out.

    I have never heard so much clanking of chains. Zara has so many ideas and you can see her thinking of new ones as you sit or stand there cuffed in her last position.

    What a great way to spend 5 hours. Although I have to travel quite far to BTO, I am thinking about when I might be able to return.

    Thanks to Zara.

  3. I recently discovered bondagetimeout and spent an afternoon in jail. When I found the website I decided I would try and request a visit. I sent an email with a few possible times and dates and almost immediately received a reply offering me a prison stay with Zara. After a few very efficient and clear emails everything was arranged and I was told when and were to report for my prison intake.
    I arrived in good time and waited 2 mins to ring the bell at exactly the correct time. There was a 30 second pause then I heard movement inside and then steps on the stairs – Zara opened the door in a police uniform and I stepped inside. The jail cell is on the first floor and as can be seen on the web site a photo set but quite atmospheric, with a locked cell, there is an incredible range of restrains and bondage equipment available on site (more later).
    Zara put me against the wall checked for contraband and gave me an orange prison jump suit to wear. I was told to go to the toilet and change. As soon as I came out I was against the wall again but this time directly in cuffs and ankle chains. I was placed in the cell the door cell door was locked and my prison mug shot taken (Zara skilfully used a camera I had brought to record the event).
    Then I was left alone sitting on my prison bed – I could hear Guard Zara go down some stairs. Sometime later I heard steps on the stairs again and the sound of chains being carried. Clearly I was going to be heavily restrained. Indeed this was the case I was initially chained standing up (with pink and orange chains to increase the humiliation), I think Zara was testing my capacity and resolve. I was left alone again then anticipating the next visit and listening to hear what restraints would be carried up the stairs and dropped on the floor to increase my discomfort. During my stay I was made to stand wearing seriously heavy cuffs and chained to the bed blindfolded and waited down with a ridiculously heavy chain. Finally, Zara appeared from below with the a steel device – I was unchained from the prison bars and directly fitted with a metal fiddle (which I had mentioned in my email), it was beautiful solid device and incredibly secure.
    The interaction with Zara was incredible from start to finish. She is calm, interesting, and safety conscious but also definitely very experienced and willing to push her prisoners.
    The time went really fast and the fiddle was removed. I was free but could still feel the heavy steel on my ankles and wrists. It was an amazing experience and now I know for sure I am a lover of heavy steel, there is certaily a lot more for me to experience and I hope there will be more visits to bondagetimeout for prisoner 8009.
    Thank you for running this amazing initiative and thank you Warden Zara for an amazing experience.
    prisoner 8009

  4. Bto is for my almost go to holiday than in bondage
    i love bondage very much .
    as you want try bondage handcuffs & straitjacket or you have crazy idee BTO is safe place
    for try out

  5. Just had my first BTO yesterday and definitely coming back. I had a parucular kink for mummification, and asked if this was possible. it was. The proces of getting an appointment was a bit involved, mainly due to planning resraints, but we figured out a date. Got the information, and went to the location. Zara opened the door at precisely the time, and she was my ‘guard’ . To be honest, i’m not really that into the roleplay aspect, so was a bit apprehensive about it. I stated i was a beginner at this, so zara adjusted accordingly.

    Got changed into the prison suit. Then was cuffed and led into the cage (watch the step). Zara the proceed tot try a hogcuff. After a few adjustments I taught her some basics in plastic bondage with me as the subject, which she seemed to appreciate a lot 🙂 To other prople: she can now use these skills on you 🙂

    She then put me on a chair and wrapped my upperbody to the chair. It was a good training for the later mummification session. It just feels like a big warm hug. After asking permission to struggle out of it, I managed to get my arms free, but plastic wrap can still be hard to get out of if done well. After some time I did manage though.

    Last hour of the sessin was reserved for the full mummification.As it was something zara had little experience in, I guided her with the wrapping. After a few moments I was wrapped completely from shoulders to my feet, nice and snug in my little cocoon, and stayed there for the remainder of the time. It was so relaxing, snug, warm and later somewhat sweaty, I could have gone for longer. So that will be my next stay. I always lacked someone to wrap me up, and BTO allowed me to live a lifelong dream

  6. I had my first ever BTO recently, which also was my first bondage experience ever. Because of this I was very nervous, but I am happy to say that I have had an amazing experience and there’s nothing to be nervous about!

    I had the amazing Zara as my guard and she was great! She managed to get me less nervous while still giving me a good bondage experience. She listened to my wishes, was even open for a more casual experience, but also did give me some time to truly enjoy all the cuffs.

    I was able to try a lot of cuffs and different positions, even with my limited 3 hour session. I first started in the cell, with some different standing positions. After that I was restrained to the bed in the cell. And finally Zara had an amazing surprise for me, she had listened to some conversations we had during the first part and adapted on what I said there. I mentioned I wanted to try a hogcuff and being caged still in the future, but I didn’t have to wait long. I was lead to the cage and got an amazing finale!

    You can really tell how much Zara loves bondage and it really shows in the experience! I can definitely recommend visiting and I will surely come back again soon! I already can’t wait!

  7. Yesterday I had my first bto with Zara as my guard.
    We started with a segufix timeout where Zara showed she knows magic when it comes to restraining someone.

    After many different “positions” it was time for a short toilet pit stop and after that I was placed in a straightjacket and locked in a cage. After some time Zara decided the cage was to big for me so she placed a divider in the middle of the cage.

    After the cage she had a suprise, she had a bondage device waiting for me, and after getting locked on it I was left sitting on hands and knees without any change to stand up for some time.

    Finally she locked me to the bars of the prison cell for some time. After that my first bto of 7 hours was over, it was an experience Im happy I had.

    As I said before, Zara is a magician when it comes to restraining people, thank you Zara for this great experience and I hope to see you again soon.

  8. i had on 9 april my seventh time out & third time met miss valentina .
    en let my say whas so much fun en i love so very much bondage .

    my first bto whas so good my love van bondage getting biger and biger .

    ever since i met Miss valentina is love from bondage transformed to bondage fetish .
    not only that she changed my live .

    miss valentine is very stict & she also teaches life lessens en for my that is the perfect bto .

  9. After 10 yrs of BDSM, it was only yesterday I met the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, aka Zara.
    Being experienced in quite some challenging settings, the facilities at BTO were a bit poor…this however was more than made up for by Zara, with whom I shared many hours being unable to escape…I think I even would have stayed if I could have escaped…next time we’ll go further I hope..😈
    “I will be back” and I hope you will too….
    Prisoner 830

  10. prisoner 1237

    Yesterday I went to visit BTO for the third time. Guard Zara did a quick body search and then arrested me. With my hands on my back and leg cuffs i was escorted to my cel where all kind of difficult positions in cuffs were waiting for me. I really like to be cuffed in many ways and with a lot of restraints. Zara really put her creativity to work and took care of that I wasnt able to move much. Standing in a corner of my cel i had ankle cuffs that were attached to the bars of the cel, my left hand was cuffed on the right side of my body on the cel and my right hand on the left side of my body on the cel while wearing hand mittens, she also put some big cuffs on over my elbows so i coudnt move my arms at all. A special cuf by my neck prevented me to lean forward. Later in this session Zara put me in a straightjacket and cuffed my legs on the bed so I coudt move around. Then it was time to move to the next device. Walking around in the straightjacket Zara cuffed me to her so i coudnt escape and put me in a cage. I had a lot of space and telling her this wasnt a good idea because she put a special bar in the middle so I had only half of the space from that moment on. After that there was still some time for some segufix.

    Thank you for an amaizing experience again Zara, I really enjoyed my stay and I will be back some time for some more prison time.

  11. It was my seventh visit at BTO. The purpose of my regular visits is to correct my improper behaviour and to improve my respectfulness to ladies. Earlier I have completed 3 sessions with a guard who doesn’t work there anymore and 3 sessions with Zara. Despite their strict correction measures, only temporary behavioural improvement was rec­og­nized and after a while my behaviour became unsatisfactory again. Since I need further correction the woman’s court sent me back to the BTO facility. Due to the re-occurrence of my behavioural mistakes a new correction officer, Valentina was assigned to continue my disciplining applying new concepts and methods.
    Since I have never met Valentina before, at the beginning of the session it was not permitted to me to look her, mainly to look her face. I had to focus strictly on the floor and refrain from any eye-contact to her until she blindfolded me. Thus I could look only her black boots. This measure definitely increased the mystery of the facility and the guard.
    After arrival I changed to get the orange prison uniform (blindfolded) then I was hand and leg-cuffed and I was strip-searched to ensure that no dangerous or forbidden item is with me. Then I was sent to the prison cell to start my detention. She explained me the required behavioural rules to be applied in the prison. Although these rules are rather simple, I made several mistakes at the beginning which were strictly sanctioned to remind me to the rules.
    Almost the complete session was conducted blindfolded. The prisoner has to deserve to look at the guard, but it is absolutely the decision of the guard. Due to my willingness to improve my behaviour and the observed positive changes later she removed my blindfolds for a while and gave permission to see look her. She is so beautiful that I was very impressed. I think being blindfolded or in darkness during the session is an excellent experience. When the eyes are blocked, other parts of sensory system became more sensitive.
    The biggest challenge of the session was the hogcuff. I think the hogcuff is a very efficient position. I was kept in rather strict and tight hogcuff for more than an hour. I got a great recognition for this long stay from the guard. However I would like to improve more my hogcuff-abilities to satisfy the expectations of the guard. I think that the key of further increment of hogcuff time is how to switch off and win the corporal pain due to inconvenient position.
    Then I was sent to the cage, where two harsh positions were applied. The first one, lying on the bottom was conducted in the full size cage. After then the divider was inserted and I had to kneel while my hands cuffed behind back were fixed to the top of the cage grids. Unfortunately the length of the session was to short to keep me enough time in the cage, thus the effect of this part of correction is surely moderated.
    Valentina asked me, which is the most uncomfortable of the BTO equipment: the prison cell, the cage or the segufix. Not easy to answer to this question since several aspects should be considered. I think that the prison cell is too big and not restrictive enough, even though hand- and legcuffs are always applied. The useless prisoners do not deserve so big space as the cell. They have to be isolated from the useful members of the society and should be kept in as small place as possible, since it is more space-effective. The cage is more effective in this context. The segufix can be rather restrictive, if all possible fixation tools are applied and tightly fastened, including the head- and neck-fixation. However segufix is applied in the hospital bed, which is not uncomfortable at all. An additional tool of BTO is to wear straitjacket during the sessions, which can be combined either with segufix or with the cage. Until now I have never tried the segufix. At the end of the session I tried it, with tightly fasten belts. Valentina proposed that next time the straitjacket should be the standard element of my detention.
    I am very grateful to Valentina for this excellent section. The stay vas obviously too short to carefully conduct all necessary corrective measures. Therefore I should return very soon to complete the training, otherwise behavioural mistakes will appear again.

  12. I had an awesome experience at BTO.

    Zara really understood my wishes and made sure my stay was a lot of fun and a relaxing experience. She loves what she does and that shows. She is also the perfect combination between sweet/caring and tough/a bit evil (in the best of ways)

    I will probably be back for more!

  13. thank you very much this whas my 6 time out ( 10 hour )
    let my say the 6 time out is very unique .
    the love for straitjacked is so big thank you very much Miss valentina .

    everyone who love bondage/ hand cuffs you need try time out .
    i can recommens miss Valentine vox can make time out very unique .
    i only can say you need try time out …

  14. Thank you so much. It was my 5th BTO. This time it was an overnight stay. Zara was the police-woman who arrested me. She cuffed me behind the back and took me to prison. In this night all the possibilities of BTO were included. It was so good.
    I also was in Segufix, it’s not so mine. I prefer cuffs in different variations, but this I enjoyed so much.
    It is a pity that the location is very far away from my hometown. So it is not possible to come more often than once in a year.
    But I’m sure, that I come back to Woerden next year 🙂

  15. is was my 5th time out 8 hour bto . i love it very much maybe too much 🙂
    this time with miss valentina vox .
    let my say miss Valentina vox is very unque . very stict . dont tease her . she put you on your place like real guard .
    she can also very caring . i can tell you much more . i leave it to you discover the beautiful experience for yourself.

    you only need book a session with miss valentina vox .

    dat is mijn 5 time out een time out van 8 uurtjes .
    deze keer was het toch iets bijzonders een nieuwe guard miss valentina vox .
    laat mij nu al zeggen miss valentina vox is zeer uniek ze kan streng zijn. maar daag haar niet uit want ze zet je onmiddellijke op je plaats zo als het hoort als een echt guard . ze kan ook zeer zorg zaam zijn .
    kan alleen maar 1 ding zeggen je moet zelf maar ontdekken deze mooi ervaring .
    gewoon een time out boeken met haar en ik kan je beloven je zal er geen spijt van hebben

  16. Normally I don’t write any of those texts, but this time I’m making an exception – the reason is that I’m positively flashed by my latest BTO experience.
    This is my second BTO, this time with Valentina as guard. A woman who not only knows what she is doing, but also proves that she has a passion for what she does.
    She saw through me and within the session playfully adapted to me.
    She is incredibly responsive to the needs of her captive without seeming (or being) sweet. She uses her calm but strict and determined voice to play. But if you tease her, she can also be quite different.
    I can recommend her for beginners as well as for advanced prisoners. Within the session I learned a lot about myself, but also that 4 hours is way too short.
    I hope Valentina will stay with BTO for a long time and look forward to seeing her again soon.
    Thank you Miss Valentina!
    All the best C. (5826)

  17. I’ve done two BTO’s at this point, and just rescheduled my third. I have a rather extreme need for control in everything I do, and a time out really helped me be more able to give come of that control away (you literally have no choice) and think about things very differently.
    This was the first “bondage-related” activity I’ve ever done. For me it was important to really challenge myself and get far out of my comfort zone where I’d been for a considerable amount of time. It really did not disappoint, and I’m really happy I dared to ring that doorbell – no matter how scared I was. I was contemplating just ditching the whole thing when I was sat outside the location 10 minutes before my scheduled time. I was shaking – I was that nervous. However, when we started the session it really helped me in ways I could not have imagined.

    The guard was just excellent. Started of with a conversation so that we could get a little familiar with each other and establish boundaries. She was always making sure she did not overstep my boundaries throughout the time out, but she did challenge me the entire time. Exactly what I needed.
    I did prison time, segufix and cage. They were all great in their own way, and if you ever come here I would try all of them. Cage is really restrictive so that is probably a bad idea if you are scared of confined spaces.

    I could not recommend going here for a time out more. I really really do recommend it!
    I’m so looking forward to my next visit which is a 10 hour time out.

  18. I had a 12-hours overnight imprisonment recently.
    When I arrived, I was greeted by Officer Zara, who immediately put me on the wall, searched and declared me under arrest for misbehaving against the women.
    I was also assigned a prisoner number, since in prison a name is not really needed. A number is enough.
    For 12 hours i was almost always in chains, cuffs and in general some sort of metal restraints. Initially I was put in the cell and hogcuffed with hands and feet tied together behind the back.
    Officer Zara is always careful to make sure that the cell door is always locked, even when she is inside to restrain or release the prisoner, so that the prisoner does not have a chance to escape.
    She loves to torture slaves and put them in strict bondage in many different and complex positions, sometime I had no idea of how she restrained me but definitely I was feeling the predicament.
    She took photos and video of me, upon my request, and used also gags to better educate me. She was surprised that I could hold the gag for an extended amount of time.
    Officer Zara always made sure that the chains, cuffs and whatever she uses to restrain me was tight enough to prevent me from escape but not too tight to give me unnecessary troubles.
    I was also put in Segufix restraints, and it was the first time for me, which I liked very much considering the level of restriction that this system gives to the prisoners.
    For the night I was happy that Officer Zara allowed me to have my hands in fronts, although still handcuffed and connected through a connector chain to my legcuffs and also linked to the bed’s frame.
    She was so nice to provide me a blanket for the night.
    I found the whole experience amazing and exciting, even though i could not get any single full erection as I was and I’m currently locked in a chastity cage, so I took the opportunity to reflect about some major mistakes I made with my Mistress and Owner, for which I’m in chastity.
    I’d also like to spend few words about the organisation and to thank them for being always very prompt to help me, before, during and also after booking.
    I will be back for sure.


  19. The woman’s court sent me again to prison due to my improper behaviour to ladies. As a recidivist I was obliged to a more rigorous disciplining.
    As the prison cell is found too comfortable, the court decided that I had to spend a part of my punishment in the cage.
    First I had to set out my name on the board to take the prisoner-photo for identification. Then I was sent and cuffed to the corner for a time while I could thinking on my improper behaviour.
    After some time I was released from the cell in cuffs and was escorted to the cage. The cage is relocated since my last visit, now it is in an other room. I was escorted there blindfolded in total darkness, with verbal commands only. There I was locked into the cage, where my punishment is continued. The cage was divided to half size of course. When my time was expired, I had to promise to my guard, that I will more respectful and polite to ladies. However she was almost sure, that I will need some reminder, to keep me on the proper way.

  20. It had been a long time because of a certain virus but now was the time again to atone for my many sins (and maybe some minor crimes). It started badly: my car refused to start and there was no easy fix so I arrived one hour late. Of course my guards were not amused and they really made me pay for it ! I tried not to make matters worse by resisting but somehow they decided that I was not compliant enough.
    They gave me a lot of challenges in all kind of restraints; most of them I failed miserably. I had asked if I could recreate the challenge of Metal Bondage 466 and they kindly locked me in the device. Be careful what you wish for, this was really hard!
    A very humbling experience: I had boasted that I was good in solving Sudoku’s and I could do it within 20 minutes. Of course Zara gave me a very difficult one and I failed again (now after 4 days I still couldn’t solve it). That was another punishment.
    Then the 11 hours were up and I could finally get out of my dress and corset. I went home as a much better (and humbler) man.
    Loved every second of it.

  21. Ich habe kürzlich meine erste Session bei BondageTimeout durchlebt. Ich wurde auf der Seite auf das Angebot aufmerksam das Bondagefans hier geboten wird. Nach kurzer Überlegung entschied ich mich das Angebot zu testen und mir eine Auszeit in Fesseln zu gönnen.
    Ich entschied mich für eine 8 Stunden Session, wobei ich 4 Stunden im Gefängnis und 4 Stunden im “Segufix” verbringen wollte. Der Buchungsvorgang verlief problemlos und die von mir gewünschte Gefägniswärterin konnte meine Session am gewünschten Termin begleiten. So machte ich mich auf den Weg nach Woerden. Eine Halbe Stunde vor dem geplanten Beginn kam ich in Woerden an. Nervös und mit etwas wackligen Knien stieg ich aus und klingelte an der Tür. Nach kurzem Warten öffnete mir meine Gefägniswärterin die Tür und begrüßte mich im Gefängnis. Dann führte sie mich nach oben ins Studio. Ich erhielt eine orange Gefängnisuniform und meine Gefägniswärterin forderte mich auf, mich umzuziehen. Nachdem ich mich umgezogen hatte musste ich meine persönlichen Sachen und Kleidungsstücke abgeben. Meine Gefägniswärterin forderte mich auf, auch meine Schuhe auszuziehen. Ich kam diesem Befehl nach und bevor ich mich nochmal aufrichten konnte, drehte sie mir die Hände auf den Rücken und legte mir Handschellen an. Dabei drehte sie mir die Handflächen nach außen, was die Fesselung noch effektiver machte. Ich musste mich mit dem Gesicht zur Wand drehen und wurde durchsucht. Zum Ende der Durchsuchung legte sie mir auch noch Fusseisen an. Dann packte sie mich und führte mich barfuss in die Zelle. Dann verließ sie den Raum und ich war allein. Nach einer Weile kam sie zurück und ich musste mich mit dem Gesicht zur Wand in die Ecke stellen. Meine Gefägniswärterin betrat die Zelle und fesselte ich mit einer weiteren Kette ans Bett. Dafür wurden mir die Hände aber jetzt mit Blue-Box-Handschellen vorne gefesselt. Meine Bewegungsfreiheit beschränkte sich jetzt auf einen knappen Meter. Aber auch das war meine Gefägniswärterin noch zu viel. sie legte mir ein weiteren Paar Fussschellen an, mit denen ich nur noch ganz kleine Schritte gehen konnte, da sie nur mit einer ganz kurzen Kette versehen waren. Sie wechselte meine Handschellen immer wieder und ich lernte viele verschiedene Fesselungen kennen. Nach einer Stunde machte sie mich vom Bett los und führte mich gefesseln in einen weiteren Raum. Dort stand der Käfig, vor dem ich mich hinknien musste. Sie teilte mir mit “Das ist jetzt dein neues Zuhause”. Ich kroch in den Käfig, in dem ich nur liegen konnte. Meine Gefägniswärterin schloss die Käfigtür. Aber damit nicht genug. Meine gefesselten Hände wurden an die Gitterstäbe gekettet, ebenso meine Füsse. Dann ging Sie nach draußen, löschte das Licht und überließ mich meinem Schicksal. Später kam sie zurück, setzte sich vor den Käfig, gab mir den Schlüssel zu den Handschellen und amüsierte sich über meine hoffnungslosen Versuche die Handschellen zu öffnen. Nach einer Zeit ließ sie mich aus dem Käfig und führte mich zurück in die Zelle. Dort musste ich mich zunächst unter das Bett legen. wo ich an Händen und Füssen gefesselt an Bett gekettet wurde. Nach einer Zeit durfte ich mich auf das Bett legen und wurde im Hogcuff gefesselt. Meine auf den Rücken gefesselten Hände wurden mit den Ketten meiner Fussschellen verbunden. Zusammengeschnürt wie ein Paket lag ich dort ca. 20 Minuten. Dann kam Sie zurück und legte mir eine Zwangsjacke an. So wurde ich in Fussfesseln und Zwangsjacke zum zweiten Teil meiner Session geführt, dem Segufix. Ich musste mich aufs Bett legen und sie fixierte meine Füsse, die Hände und den Kopf mit Bändern. Es gelang mir eine Hand aus der Fixierung zu lösen und die Kopfbänder zu entfernen. Das gefiel meine Gefägniswärterin garnicht und sie wurde ärgerlich. Sie fixierte mir die Hände jetzt neben dem Kopf und zwar so, das ich sie nicht mehr bewegen konnte. Dann wurden mein Torso und die Beine fixiert, die Fussfixierung wurde auch stramm gezogen. Zur Strafe für meinen Fluchtversuch wurden mir die Augen verbunden und die Kopffixierung wurde erneut, diesmal aber fester angelegt. Eine Bewegung war nun unmöglich. Nach einer Stunde und meinem Versprechen, dass ich keinen Fluchtversuch mehr machen würde, fixierte mir sie die Hände wieder in Hüfthöhe am Bett. So verbrachte ich 4 Stunden gefesselt im Krankenbett. Meine Gefägniswärterin kam regelmäßig vorbei um nach mir zu sehen, die Fesselung zu kontrollieren und mir etwas zu trinken zu geben. Die 8 Stunden vergingen wie im Flug und meine Gefägniswärterin machte mich los und schenkte mir die Freiheit. Es war ein tolles Erlebnis für mich, das ich auf jeden Fall wiederholen werden. Danke an meine Gefägniswärterin und dem BTO-Team für den Super-Tag.

  22. Meanwhile I had in June my 4th Bondagetimeout. As ever it was a very great experience. Zara was really a strict and a good girl at the same time. I was cuffed with many different cuffs and arrested from her in the prison-cell five hours and in many different ways. Again and again Zara came with new cuffs, that I did not see before. It was a great joy. Later she locked me up in the cage. This was a very special adventure. Zara cuffed me in front with handcuffs and connected these with my ankle cuffs. Blindfold she escorted me to the cage. The five hours were over far too soon. I will come again next year and I hope for an overnight stay.

    (Sorry for possible errors in my English)

  23. After a first 5 hours segufix session 2 years ago with another guard, I had the chance to perform a 15 hours overnight session with Zara as guard.

    Like the first time, booking was very easy to do. I cannot say the same thing about my trains that were very late, but I successfully arrived in time. With a mixed feeling of fear and excitation I was welcomed at 17:30 by Zara and after some presentations, I was asking to prepare myself to be fully tied up to only be released at 9 o’clock the next day.

    To begin with, only “few” segufix restraints were used (feet, thights, hands and torso). Even if I was able to move a little, it was already inescapable without a magnetic key. Progressively, Zara added more and more straps, to finally been totally immobilised. I was continuously trying to escape without any success but with a lot of laughs from Zara and myself.
    The final touch were mittens that were preventing me to use my hands. Of course, it was the perfect occasion to test my (poor) escape skills and Zara leave me with some magnetic keys all over the bed.
    I really tried to escape for maybe one hour or so, without any success but some bruises and a lot of sweat :).
    It was quite late, and I had a little break to eat (in handcuffs of course) and after that, Zara put me in a straitjacket, then fully strapped me in segufix to the bed for the night. I must say that I didn’t sleep a lot, but mostly some small sleep sessions of few minutes and some fruitless escape attempts. It was really frustrating, because I was not too far to be able to free my left arm from the straitjacket after a lot of efforts.
    After 8 or 9 hours of this treatment, I was exhausted and my body was hurting a little, but at the same time, I was so happy to be so powerless and to be completely at the mercy of the incredible Zara.
    She let me out of the straitjacket and segufix for only few (precious) minutes of freedom, then I was once again fully tied up with a lot of straps, locks, mittens, handcuffs, gags etc… for the last two hours. I didn’t even try to escape since I couldn’t move an inch of my body.

    I was finally released; it was mixed feelings of freedom and sadness that is was over.

    I really want to thank Zara who has been so amazing during all this session. She can be cruel and very careful at the same time. But don’t think about any escape, when you are under her guard, you will only be released when she wants to.

    Once again, I greatly recommend BondageTimeout for a session if you love bondage and especially inescapable predicament :).

  24. This was my first timeout in Woerden and I wanted to have a full experience so I booked 4 hours in Prison followed by 4 hours in Segufix. The communication was very fast and I choose my guard.
    When she opened the door she greeted me with: “Welcome to Prison” and guided me upstairs. Once I changed into the Prison jumpsuit, I was handcuffed and put into the cell, where she cuffed my feet as well. My hands were cuffed behind my back, but I managed to get them in front, which she didn’t like. I was left alone to get used to the feeling of being cuffed and in a cell. When my guard came back she brought a waist chain and a blue box. When I tried to wiggle my way out of the waist chain, she immediately came back and made the chain a bit tighter. Once again she changed my cuffs and my hands were behind my back again. But I managed to get them in front again. She still didn’t like that so she took a padlock and connected the cuffs to the chain of the ankle cuffs. I was stuck like that for a couple of minutes. After that, I was cuffed with a new set of cuffs behind my back but this time I couldn’t get my hands in front. My guard then gave me the keys to the cuffs and left me alone to try and get out. It was very frustrating as even with the key there was no way for me to get out of the cuffs. After around 30 minutes of trying my guard came back and changed the cuffs in front. This time I was able to get out of the cuffs with the key. She then chained my ankle cuffs to the bed. I was able to get my feet free of the bed. When she came back the next time she was proud of me and angry at me at the same time. She put me in hand tubes and gave me a bottle to drink. I found a quite unorthodox way of doing that. Because I managed to get my feet free she then put a very heavy set of cuffs on me. I had to lie down on the bed and my guard used a chain to tie me onto the bed. I tried to escape and fell from the bed in a quite funny position. She and I had a great laugh about that. As she wanted to have some time off of me trying to get out of my cuffs, she put me into a hog cuff. After a while, my guard came back with thumbcuffs that I managed to get free from with the key. She then put the cuffs on my toes. I then had to lie under the bed for some time, before she put me in a rigid fiddle for transport to the hospital room for my Segufix part.
    After climbing into the bed I was immediately strapped in very tightly. My hands, feet, thighs, and head were unable to move an inch. When my guard left me like that she said: “Let’s start like that.” After a while, the head straps were removed and I was blindfolded. Also, my hands were put in some hand mittens making them useless. I stayed blindfolded for most of my time in Segufix. The next time she came back I was put in a straitjacket. This was a very interesting experience. After finishing my 8 hours my guard came back and set me free.
    I enjoyed my day in Prison and Segufix. I want to thank the BTO team for the experience and especially the very sweet but also strict guard. I will be back for another timeout, for sure.

  25. Each persons experience excites me very much to the point that when travel becomes permissible ,I must surely commit to enjoying similar pleasures. The thought of being confined ,cuffed ,without release in so many of those positions in fiddles ,irish 8 ,neck cuffed and hogtied is so very stimulating ,in tandem with those delightful young ladies ,is a definite bucket list for certain .It is wonderful that such a service is available.

  26. After about seven months since the last time I was in Woerden I wanted to do another timeout. This time I booked again for a timeout of 8 hours. After emailing I got a swift reply that Zara was available on my preferred date. She would be my guard for that day.

    On the day itself Zara opened the door and I went upstairs. After changing into the striped prison uniform I was put into handcuffs with my hands behind by back and ushered into the cell. However, this was only the start as I had requested to be put into a very secure setup consisting of hand tubes, handcuffs secured to a waist chain with the blue box and a connector chain between the waist chain and my ankle cuffs. Even when my hands wouldn’t be in the tubes there would be no escape as there was no way for me to reach any of the keyholes – the keyholes of the handcuffs were covered by the blackbox and I wouldn’t be able to reach the padlock holding the blue box and the waist chain on me as this was behind my back.

    Even though I would not be able to escape from the cell with the full setup on Zara made sure I could not reach the door of the cell either. First she cuffed me to the bed so I couldn’t stand up and then later while standing in the corner of the cell. I was then blindfolded and gagged.

    One of my other requests was to try a RigidFiddle, this proved to be quite a challenge as it was quite tight on my neck but it was fun to try.

    After about two hours I was put back into the hand tubes and all the cuffs and blindfolded again. Then I had to follow Zara to the bed walking without sight and with her directions as the only way to know where I had to go. Arriving at the bed it was time for a short toilet break as the next six hours would be on the bed strapped in with the Segufix.

    After taking the prison uniform off I climbed into the bed and Zara started to fully restrain me with all the straps. I had requested to have at least my wrists, thighs, ankles, belly and shoulders strapped in and Zara fully complied with this. During the period on the bed she came back regularly to add more straps here and there, plus hand mitts and a blindfold.

    I had also brought a medical style hood with me to try as I had never experienced this (got this recommendation from a friend of mine). It proved to be a little big but it worked quite well to make sure I wasn’t able to see or hear much. Zara also found another smaller hood which I had a chance to try as well.

    As always, time flies during these timeouts and before I knew the 8 hours were gone and it was time to be released. It was another fun day being there. Thanks Zara for having a really nice timeout again, looking forward to do another timeout in the future.

  27. I have visited the BondageTimeOut studio several times, but until now I have never tried the Segufix. Now I had to try it. I was considered as a prisoner, therefore I was escorted to the hospital bed in cuffs. For safety reason I was cuffed to the bed until my straps are fixed.
    In the fist phase ankle, thigh wrist and belly straps were applied. In the next phase, shoulder straps and head fixation were added plus hand mittens were applied. I was blindfolded during the whole experience. This medical treatment helps me to keep calm. This cool rest bounded to the bed is an excellent opportunity to think more about respect against ladies.

  28. I had my third bondagetimeout and it was the same good experience like the both timeouts before. I met again a guard Zara, who fast demonstrates my limits. I love our game and hope that I can come in next summer again to her.
    Bondagetimeout is a very perfect act, that I don’t want to miss anymore.

    My third BTO began with a arrest and imprisonment. Just arrived, Zara took me under arrest, speedcuffed and cuffed with legirons and imprisoned me in the cell. This was a very big start. In the following time Zara intensified the measures against me. We played the role that I am in prison for stealing watches and she accuses that I am criminal. Zara changed my cuffs ever again. For a long time I was chained to the bed or the bars and so my mobility was very restricted additionally.
    A special moment was the time where I was blindfold cuffed and in prison and even in Hogtie.
    This time Woerden I realised the possibility to develop me. Then I saw the cage and I knew, that I want to try it the next time.
    Although I already was cuffed with many chains and cuffs, but the next time I want to go on with that cool toys.
    These four hours were a perfect date for me and I can highly recommend it for everybody.

    Thank you Zara and BTO-Team! I’ll be back for some more prison and cage time! 😊

  29. My last visit at bondagetimeout was an overnight stay with the same guard. Although it was my fourth visit here, I had vibration in my legs and knees when I had arrived to Woerden. I had pressed the doorbell with fear about the forthcoming night.
    She opened the door. As I had greeted her she sent me to the floor and I had to climb on the stairs on all the four hands and legs. On the first floor she had given a striped prison uniform to me. I had to lie again to the floor when I had been cuffed. Then I had to enter to the cell climbing on the floor. This was the reception process and the greeting. The continuation was even worse, as it should be. I had to lie under the bed, since the bed is only for prisoners who merits it. After then I had to kneel in front of the wall with three pairs of handcuffs + in legcuffs. Since the prison cell is too big and comfortable I had been sent to the cage, in cuffs of course. After then I could lie on the bed for some night relaxation but without mattress. Later I had been hogcuffed. As the early morning came, I was sent to kneel in the corner, cuffed behind back and my overarms chained to the grid. This was very challenging to me, since after half and hour I had started to feel dizzy and I had to ask my guard to allow to lie down to the floor. After then the session is ended by lying under the bed until the time of get back my freedom. But I became free only conditionally since I am sure that I will be sent back to the prison by the court.

  30. thank’s BTO for my second time out

    and certainly my guard for the photo and to make short films and.
    and so make time out unique again.
    enjoyed it very much the 2 time out’s with her and
    since then the passion of bondage has grown twice as big
    Thank you BTO team for this beautiful experience so far.

    am already thinking about my 3rd time out in sep then i hope
    that I can book the same guard again for my time out.
    for the time being I don’t have a date yet. will come with a date as soon as possible

  31. After months of looking at Segufix pics and videos wishing I was the lucky victim, I stumbled actress the BTO site and realised they offered Segufix timeouts! It wasn’t long before I applied for a six hour timeout. The response was immediate and only a week later I found myself walking up to the BTO building, weak at the knees thinking about what lie ahead for me inside.

    My guard for the day answered the door. I was ushered upstairs and got changed into the supplied all in one bright orange prison jumpsuit. I was then shown the bed which would be my home for the rest of the afternoon. It had a few straps attached, nothing I couldn’t handle, or so I thought. She instructed me to climb in and lie on my back, then set about fastening the straps. The feeling was amazing. After I was restrained, I tested the setup and although the straps were not applied very tightly, I realised I wasn’t going anywhere. That’s when my guard told me, this is just a start and there are a lot more straps to come!

    After she left the room I thought wow, I had asked for strict bondage and wondered whether I had made the right choice.. it was only going to get more interesting from here! During the rest of the afternoon, my guard re-appeared from time to time, adjusting and tightening my restraints where necessary. Any wriggle room was soon stopped with more straps!

    Segufix was everything I dreamt it would be and more, Escape is absolutely impossible, even after my guard placed the key in my hand it was hopeless. I did however manage to free myself from the head restraint three times, and soon regretted boasting about it to her. She decided to blindfold me and add more head straps, and that was the end of that. I couldn’t move my head or see anything for the rest of the session 🙂

    If anyone has thought about a Segufix session I cannot recommend BTO highly enough. My guard was so sweet but also strict when she needed to be. Although I was lying there helpless with no chance of escape, I felt safe and secure thought the session.

    I’ll definitely be returning, maybe combining the Segufix with the prison on my next visit!

  32. It was my first bondage timeout (at this place as I already had similar experiences in BDSM studios), for a total of 8 hours with Zara as my guard. I spent 4 hours in the prison cell and 4 hours strapped in Segufix. I was welcomed by Zara and after a few minutes to go to the toilets, get dressed, and leave my personal belongings, it was time for arrest. I was ordered to stand face to the wall for a safety search and then I got hands and feet cuffed and had to wear a waistbelt. Then I was leaded to my cell. The cuffs were very effective and Zara really knows how to use them. I was cuffed in very different positions. The bars of my cell were almost useless as the handcuffs were quite enough to prevent any escape. Several times I tried to escape as it is part of the game for me but I realized it was completely impossible as Zara really knows how to handle a prisoner. I was looking for real escape proof conditions and this place is one of the few capable to offer that. My freedom was completely in the hands of Zara and eventhough I’m much taller and stronger she really had no trouble enforcing my captivity and keeping me still. If she had decided to keep me captive for one week I would have remained captive for one week. Even when I went to the toilets halfway I was still wearing cuffs on hands and feet so that there was no opportunity to run away at this time. For transfer from prison to Segufix I was fully chained up and marched down as a real prisoner to the medical bed and the chains were only removed once strapped down enough to have no hope of escape. Segufix is an incredible system it is comfortable and secure at once, you can squirm as long as you want, you won’t go anywhere. I also tried to beg the guard to set me free before the time is over and she declined and kept me prisoner for as long as agreed before. Zara can be very strict but also cares for her prisoners. When I was strapped down she fed me with some snacks directly held to my mouth and also I could drink some water. I will probably be back.

  33. Lost count on how many times I’ve been in that cell, maybe I’m just a hardcore criminal. :D.
    This time I had some new things: 2 guards, of course I had to try the new cage (simply genial, unescapable) and Segufix to end it all.That wasn’t so bad, I could even move my arms and legs ! (About a cm). Loved it all.
    Most fun however was the doggy play. Especially Zara had a lot of fun trailing me around on a leash in my dog mask on hands and knees. When they cuffed my knees tightly together I really couldn’t get up, simple but effective. And of course no talking allowed, only barks and yelps, or else…..(brrrr).
    I brought my own camera and the guards made a lot of videos. On every one of them I hear a lot of laughter and not only of the guards.
    That is how it was: we all had a lot of fun.
    See you next time.

  34. It was my third visit at Woerden. Now I have booked an overnight stay. The guard was Zara this time. Earlier I have never been here so long time. I have applied for a prison play but I was very interested in the cage, thus I have asked to spend some time in the cage as well. To turn it more exciting I have asked to do not tell me in advance, how long time should I spend in the cage. The prison play included prison drills, standing in the corner, lying on the bed hogcuffed, lying under the bed. Handmittens were also applied. The highlight of the night was the 2 hours in the cage. Hand- and leg cuffed, blindfolded, and the divider was inserted to the cage. It was fantastic. I think the prison cell is unnnecessarv big for a hardcore prisoner. These useless human creatures should be kept in as small place as possible.
    I am already waiting my next visit with many wishes and dreams. I hope next time she will more intensively use her baton.

  35. After been experiencing a few short(er) timeouts in the past I had the opportunity to book another timeout a few weeks ago. This time I went for 8 hours and I had a special request: to book a timeout with two guards present as I really wanted to combine a prison timeout and a segufix timeout. As both guards for me have both their own speciality in this – one as a prison guard and the other as a nurse – I booked them both. This turned out to be a fantastic experience.

    When I arrived, my guard was already waiting for, wearing her prison guard uniform. The first four hours of the timeout would in the prison cell. After changing into my prison uniform I was cuffed and had to enter the cell where I would stay. During the time in the cell she restrained me in various different cuffs, some of which were a challenge to endure, especially the Irish-8 cuffs.

    While I was cuffed in the cell, after almost 4 hours or so Zara also arrived, wearing her nurse uniform, preparing for the transfer to the hospital bed. Together they cuffed me in handcuffs with a Bluebox and a waist chain and ankle cuffs with a very short chain which made me barely able to walk, only very small steps. In these restraints I had to walk to the bed which took a while.

    Arriving at the bed I had to get in which was quite a challenge with the restraints still applied. As per my request the cuffs would stay on while Zara applied the first straps. Only after the straps for my legs were applied she removed the leg cuffs. After that the same happened with my wrists.

    In the second half of the timeout Zara took care of me, adding and modifying straps during the four hours that I was restrained at the bed. Most of the time I was also blindfolded and part of the time gagged as well wmaking me feel really helpless, which I liked very much.

    Obviously time flies when having a timeout like this and the 8 hours were over before I thought it was. Before I knew it she was at the bed starting to take off the straps and the timeout was over. Fun fact is that Zara can be really quiet coming to the bed and as I was blindfolded she was often there without me even noticing she was coming.

    This timeout was absolutely the best I had so far with both guards performing their role exactly as I had imagined. I can recommend everyone to try this kind of timeout with two guards and spending both time in the prison cell as well as the hospital bed.

  36. Last summer, I had the chance to experience a 5 hours bondage timeout in segufix.
    These 5 hours passed so quickly, it was such a great time. My guard, who is so beautiful, sweet and loves bondage, was laughing at my inescapable situation, sometimes adding more bondage tools, sometimes giving me with the magnetic keys of my restraints (that are useless strapped as I was), sometimes asking me to try to escape …
    It was really a great experience, and sadly quite short in fact (as a bondage lover, time flies very fast in these kind of situation).
    The guard was really perfect and I greatly recommend to try that experience.

  37. I had an amazing experience. My guard is a very dangerous girl. She really loves having full control and that shows. She made a nice mix of leaving me alone and having a conversation with me. I just LOVED the new cage. Never experienced that before, but there is really no way out of that thing and I really like that.

    At the end of the experience I mildly resisted her putting a new set of cuffs on me, but she immediately reacted firmly. Wow, girl of my dreams! My guard is very sweet on first sight, but she has no pity to leave me cuffed and helpless.

    Bottom line: Fantastic experience!

    I’ll be back for some more prison time!

  38. I arrived to the bondagetimeout site second time. The quiet street of Woerden was already known to me. I was very excited when I ringed the doorbell. I greeted my guard and she escorted me to the first floor. Now I was familiar with the arresting procedure. I have choosen the striped jumpsuit and intended to change as soon as possible. I had to stand in the middle of the room when I was hand- and legcuffed. I had to enter to the cell and stand facing to the wall. She brought some chains. I had to kneel and I was chained to the bed to prevent standing up. I was blindfolded in this period. When Ahahí came back again, she had a surprise to me: a young girl, her guard trainee. She demonstrated the hogcuffing on me. I have very enjoyed it. After then they had an extra attraction to me. My guard trampled me on my back with high heel shoes. In the next period I had to lie on the bed on my back. To prevent getting up, my legs were chained to the bed. A special Italian handcuff is attached to my wrists which can be adjusted by a screen. This cuff is rigid and holds the hands in praying position.
    When my legs were released from the bed I had to get up. However my legs were chained to each other, thus I could walk in 3 cm steps only. I had to walk through the cell two times. This time my hands were cuffed by Clejuso heavy handcuffs. Then I had to lie down on the floor. I was ordered to lie under the bed. Unfortunately I am thinner by a few centimetre to go there, but we recognized that these centimetres are missing under the frame of the bed only. Thus my guard solved the problem, she lifted up the bed and put it over my back. It was very funny lying there. When I could come out, I had to sit on the floor. This is not so easy cuffed behind back, effective abdominal exercise. After this I could relax on the bed handcuffed in front and my wrists chained to my ankles. I have get a bottle of water. I had to figure out how to drink cuffed: I had to lift up my legs. In this position the chain allowed to move the bottle to my mouth. After this relaxation my imprisonment is finished for today and I became free.
    The four hours elapsed so quickly that I would stay more in the prison. I have enjoyed everything. The highlights of this stay were the trampling and lying under the bed. The guard trainee girls was a nice surprise. I am sure that I will come back again as soon as I can. I intend to improve my respect and loyality to ladies.

  39. I have found the bondagetimeout facility via the web. Since I am very interested in imprisonment and being cuffed and restricted, I decided that I have to try it. I combined my first visit with an official travel to the Netherlands.
    I have connected to them via the web page. They answered very quickly and scheduled a session to me with my female guard. She was very flexible in the appointment allowing me to arrive very at 6AM due to my other obligations.
    At first trial I was scheduled for two hours. My special request was to be blindfolded during the session. My hands were cuffed behind my back and fixed to the chain waistbelt. My ankles were also cuffed. I had to kneel against the wall in the first hour.
    For the second hour I was hogcuffed. During this hour she changed the different handcuffs on my wrists: chained, hinged and rigid. I have never been cuffed by rigid handcuff thus this was my first experience with them. As an extra I had get headball onto my head to restrict my visual observation. During the session my guard has taken excellent photos with my camera. Many details of the cuffing became clear to me from the photos only, since I was blindfolded during the session.
    I have very enjoyed all minutes of my imprisonment. I have decided immediately that I will come again to BTO, but for longer time.

  40. I have spend one hour in jail guarded by one female guard and on a later day two hours in segufix with Zara as the nurse. Both were a great experiences, both ladies are good roleplayers and extremely nice and friendly. Although they are strict too.
    It’s a nice feeling to see that hour world is limited to the cell or the bed you are in. Thank you Ladies!!

  41. Just did a vèeeeery long time and I loved every minute. Just me and a good book; no phone or computer to distract me, only the lovely guard who put me in various cuffs and other hellish devices. My female guard was probably the sweetest guard in the universe but don’t mess with her. She might get very evil……:D.
    Thank you for the wonderful experience.

  42. Hi,

    the BTO is a great idea, you can spend your booked time in cuffs with a very lovely guard. You can try serveral ways to be cuffed and you will learn a lot of different cuffs.
    I had two BTOs and sure I will comeback for another one. Both where great experiences and exciting and relaxing hours.
    So if you are interessted in cuffs or if you like beeing tied up – you should book a BTO.

  43. I have had two BTO’s. It were very perfect hours with both guards. My plan is to come again in May 2020 if possible.
    BTO is a very exciting experience, that I can recommend to everybody who like to be cuffed for some hours.

  44. Spent a lot of time in that jail ( the last time even in drag) and it was a lot of fun. The guard is very sweet and fortunately also very strict. I taught her how to cuff someone effectively to a chair and immediately regretted it: she left for half an hour without possibility to move! We had a good laugh about that. Highly recommended.

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